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Middlesex County NJ

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Successfully Handled Thousands of Criminal, DWI, and Municipal Charges in New Jersey

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Important Aspects of NJ Gun Cases

Need to Speak to a Lawyer about a Gun Case

After getting released from jail for illegal possession of a firearm, you face the reality that your predicament has potentially severe consequences. You did not realize that New Jersey laws are strict when it comes to having a gun without a ...

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The Graves Act & Graves Act Waivers

Graves Act for Firearms Charges Middlesex County NJ

Graves Act Defense Attorneys in Middlesex County, NJ More and more states across the country are enforcing harsh laws that place significant restrictions on gun rights, as well as imposing severe penalties against anyone convicted of a ...

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What Happens When You Get Charged with Gun Possession in New Brunswick NJ?

Gun Charges in New Brunswick NJ

New Brunswick Gun Possession Lawyers Let’s be blunt: you do not want to be charged with illegal gun possession in New Brunswick, New Jersey or anywhere else in this state for that matter. New Brunswick serves as the county seat of Middlesex ...

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Charges for Pointing a Firearm at Police or Someone Else in NJ

Charged with Pointing a Firearm in New Brunswick NJ top lawyers

Shootings occur all too frequently in New Jersey. For example, the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office issued a press release recently, stating that multiple officers were involved in a non-fatal shooting at 280 US Route 1 in Edison, NJ. ...

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South Plainfield Destructive Devices Charges Filed Against Man over Labor Day

Charged with a Weapon in South Plainfield NJ help top lawyers

Arrested for Destructive Device Possession in South Plainfield NJ Labor Day and the parades that commemorate the holiday are an important part of town life throughout New Jersey. South Plainfield has held a Labor Day parade every year for the ...

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