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Middlesex County NJ

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Successfully Handled Thousands of Criminal, DWI, and Municipal Charges in New Jersey

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Cutting Agents and Drug Cases

Charged with selling drugs laced New Brunswick NJ

Given that drugs like cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine are classified as illegal controlled dangerous substances under New Jersey law, no state or federal agency regulates these drugs for quality. There’s no real way for you to know exactly ...

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Is Statutory Rape a Crime in NJ?

Local Edison rape defense lawyers

Rape Defense Attorneys in New Brunswick NJ The term “statutory rape” refers to sexual activity between two people, one of whom is under a state’s “age of consent.” Although a commonly used term, New Jersey does not have a specific criminal ...

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Is Cocaine Possession a Felony in New Jersey?

New Brunswick cocaine possession attorneys near me

Edison Third Degree Cocaine Charge Lawyers New Jersey has some of the toughest drug laws in the country on its books. These drug laws apply to you with full force if police find you in possession of cocaine, which is classified as a Controlled ...

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